Student Of Fortune

How To Research Keywords For Domain Names

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One of the strategy to reach success in online business is to make the blog as its main pillars. As if that blog has an indisputable advantage over other online media. Then it becomes a necessity for online business people are not subordinated science business online than science offline is much under-united by most people.

How Keyword Research With Google Adword Domain Names and Godaddy, OK back to the theme, this explanation just try to share experiences, about doing keyword research. Of course I only facilitate for the friends not familiar with this. If that is the schools would like the "salt sea" if I explain about this.

Used in addition to keyword research for SEO content on a blog, also commonly used to determine the domain name of your business. Simply is your domain name contains keywords that your optimization, so that search engines will likely come to your blog, so traffic can go up. Alexa rank increased, so the opportunity to gain dollars with many different types of business online.

How can a simple way to perform keyword research, OK follow these simple exposure to the following:
  • Click here to get started, we use
  • Please enter the keywords you are going to research, we try the popular keywords "online business"
  • Next fill the captcha, click ok (get keyword ideas)
  • Do it first click Add all xxx »(located bottom right), this step is intended to move all the search results was to the right column, add all 140, 
  • OK right was a new column with light green color, with the title of the Selected Keywords, (see bottom right column) is the word Download these keywords: text,. csv (for excel),. csv
  • Make text CLICK, DOWNLOAD, ok the file already exists / is stored in your PC.
  • Next, please open Notepad, press Ctrl + H Find and Replace it appears, and then in the Find box .... press SPACE, whereas that in the Replace box leave it alone.
  • Next, please select it and press the REPLACE ALL, OK? All you did was to remove the spaces.
  • Please click the link GoDaddy here,
  • Do SELECT ALL, Ctrl A, then do the Copy and the result was paste on Godaddy. What were the results?
  • In the box you will find dozens of domain names that already exist: it's like! (ERROR: AHIRA.COM is unavailable and has been removed. ERROR: ANNEAHIRA.COM is unavailable and has been removed. ff)
  • Then See The result of keyword  
Please execution spend a few million to have dozens of domains that full advantage with the keyword "online business", and some time then you will become Master Blog New.


Anonymous said... October 27, 2011 at 8:20 AM

Thanks for the step by step instruction. I've read all kinds of places that say you need to make sure you do your keyword research before starting your SEO campaign, but nobody ever said how to do it! So thank you for finally being the person to do that!

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