Student Of Fortune

How To Auto-Posts to Facebook and Twitter With Twitterfeed

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 Twitterfeed is a service that helps simplify our work to tell our friends twitter and facebook when you create new posts in your blog. Of course you have to do this so you do not make a post again regarding your new blog posts on twitter and facebook. You can do this as a way to market or promote the most effective thing you can do.

How it works is simple Twitterfeed, you only need to submit / register the address of your Blog RSS Feed and leave the service in charge of sending the "automatic" to your twitter account.

Here's How to Register Your Blog RSS FEED Twitterfeed:
  1. Of course you must already have an account on twitter.
  2. Click here to sign up, then click "Register Now".
  3. On the page "Twitterfeed Sign Up", fill in your email address and password you will use to log into acount Twitterfeed. Check the box labeled "Please include me on Important updates and information That effect my Twitterfeed account" if you want to get the latest news from twitterfeed via email, but if you do not want to leave it alone. Then click "Create Account".
  4. If you have successfully registered, login using your email address and password that you registered earlier. 
  5. Twitterfeed page, please enter the address setting the Rss Feed your blog on the "my twitter feeds" and option "Create new twitter feed". (You can register more than one address of your blog RSS FEED).
  7. After work, please check whether twitterfeed able to work well, after you post a new article on your blog. 
  8. Thus simple steps how to register your blog RSS FEED in Twitterfeed. Hopefully by using these services work online promotion or marketing your products through blogs much easier.

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