Student Of Fortune

How To Register to ALEXA Site

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Registering on the Alexa blog is one way to get a basic audit to determine the development of traffic your blog / website.
The following registration steps blog / website on Alexa in detail:
1. Sign in to
2. Then select the tab 'Site Tools'.
3. Click on 'Claim Your Site'.
4. Enter a url blog / your website, then click on 'Claim your site'.
5. List prior to login, or for practical can directly login with your Facebook account located on the right login form.
6. Then enter the verification page. There are two ways to upload HTML to the blog's root directory (this is if you have your own hosting), or enter a key meta Alexa found on the second option. Use the second option in order to more quickly and easily. Here's how: copy its meta key and paste it in your HTML template. Put in between <head> and </ head>, so quickly put forth at the top (near <head>) after the meta keyword and meta description of your blog. Then save the template.

7. click on 'Verify my meta tag'. If successful there will be information indicating that you have managed to claim your blog.
8. Get Alexa widget to be installed. Go to the 'Site Tools' again and select 'Alexa Site Widgets'.

9. There are several types of widgets there, you just choose where you'd like to put on the blog, enter your blog url, and copy the code.
10. Go to the page design >> page elements, click the add gadget, and choose add HTML / Javascript, paste the code into the column, and save. Put on the desired page, then save again.
You're done!

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