Student Of Fortune

Introduction Internet And Web

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TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is a group of protocols that govern data communications computer on the Internet. TCP have duty to ensure that all links are working properly and that IP is transmitting data from one computer to another.
There are several kinds of Internet services that are often used by us include:
· World Wide Web
· E-mail
· File transfer
· Chat
· newsgroup

Web application technologies differentiated into two kinds:
Ø The Client (Client-side)
* Processed on the client side (web browser)
* +) Lighter
* -) Static, browser compatibility, less secure
Ø The Server (Server-side)
* Processed on the server side (web server + parser)
* + Dynamic, secure, high compatibility
* - Traffic increases

Web Browser
Browser have duty to provide
user an interface which  will request the server and displays the response from the server.
Ø Example:
> Mozilla Firefox
> Opera
> Internet Explorer
> Google Chrome
> etc.


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